About Us
Souls Harbor Christian Academy (SHCA) was founded in 1979 by Souls Harbor First Pentecostal Church. SHCA opened its doors under the vision and direction of Bishop James E. Varnum and his wife, Naomi Varnum. It was a great sacrifice for the congregation of Souls Harbor First Pentecostal Church to finance, build, and equip SHCA during the first few years. The strong belief that their children deserved a place to receive a sound education in an environment that was conducive to the Apostolic, Pentecostal lifestyle being taught in their homes was worth the sacrifice.
In 1987, SHCA moved into a brand new educational facility. The new facilities allowed SHCA to expand its courses and curriculum. These new facilities where equipped with a gymnasium, football/softball field, and a full cafeteria. It was at this time that SHCA moved to a traditional classroom setting instead of a self-paced learning center.
In 2005, SHCA made yet another move. While remaining on the same property, they left the educational facilities built in 1987 in order to make room for the always expanding children’s and youth ministries of Souls Harbor First Pentecostal Church. With new classrooms came a new purpose- to partner with parents to help them educate their children. SHCA reorganized its methods and practices to better facilitate the needs of the children of Marion County. It was at this time that SHCA launched its home school division.
The future of Souls Harbor Christian Academy is very bright. But SHCA would not have a future without our solid and sacrificial past. SHCA will forever be indebted to God for the countless people that He has sent to provide Christian education to its students. We are thankful that they helped bring the vision and purpose of SHCA to fruition here in Marion County.